81) It was a pleasure and an honor to be a part of the AI in Dentistry and Orthodontics event, where I delivered a session on “The Role of Statistics and Machine Learning  for AI  in Dentistry”, organized by The Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences.

80)”It was a pleasure to be part of the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mathematics and Scientific Computing (ICETMSC’24) organized by Vignan’s Deemed to be University and deliver a session on ‘The Role of Data Literacy in the Era of New Data Science.'”


79)”I attended as a guest for the valedictory ceremony of the International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Advanced Data Analysis for Industry 5.0 (ICAMADA – 2024), organized by the Departments of Humanities, CSE (CyS/DS), and AI & DS at VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology (VNRVJIET).”


78)”It was a great experience to attend as a jury for the Technovista 2K24 24-hour hackathon organized by the VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology (VNRVJIET)

###########################################################77)I was delighted to have been part of the National Mathematics Week celebrations, where I delivered consecutive sessions on the role of Mathematics in Data Science. These sessions were organized by VNRVJIT and Matrusri Engineering Colleges, held on the occasion of Srinivasa Ramanujan’s birth anniversary


76)It’s a tremendous honor to have served as a jury member for this event, and I’ve gained valuable insights throughout the experience. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to VNRVJIET for providing me with this wonderful opportunity.”


75)It is a tremendous privilege to serve as a jury for Krithoathon – Crafting Tomorrow’s World, organized by the Department of CSE-AIML & IoT at VNRVJIT. Witnessing some of the most innovative ideas, I am confident that these will undoubtedly shape the future.”


74)”It was a fantastic opportunity to connect with young entrepreneurs and delve into the key criteria of modern-age products in today’s era. We also discussed the STP (Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning) process at the ‘Idea Validation Bootcamp’ organized by CIE at IIITH.”


73) Delivered An enlightening session on Data Science and It’s applications at Orientation Session Organized by Ashoka School of Business (ASB)


72)It’s pleasure to deliver a session on AI and Data Science at the orientation session conducted by vardhaman college of engineering


71) Another Orientation Session for Sai sporty college student at    B Gangaram (Home t0wn) Always Pleasure


70) It was a pleasure and honor to be part of the 16th Multi-Disciplinary International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, MIWAI 2023, as an Expert Speaker. I had the opportunity to share my experience on the topic ‘The Power of Harnessing Data Science & AI for Healthcare.’ The conference was jointly organized by CVR College of Engineering and Mahasarakham University, Thailand


69) Conducted Faculty development program on  Regression Analysis  at One week Faculty Development Programme organized on Mathematical Modeling for Data Science Organized by Department of Data science , VNRVJIT


68) It was a wonderful experience to engage with faculty members from various colleges during the AI developments event organized by ASOKA School of Business (ASB). Interacting with the participants allowed us to delve into the exciting advancements in the field of AI, fostering insightful discussions and knowledge exchange.



67)It’s great pleasure  to deliver a session on ” The Role of data literacy on today’s era at A two day workshop on DATAVIZ  organized by ST MARYS college.


66) It’s  thrid time opportunity to be part of  Healthcare AnalyticsApplications, Opportunities, and Challenges”  at ONLINE FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (FDP) on Data Analytics: Methods and Applications in Healthcare (01-07 March, 2023) Department of Data Science and Intelligent Systems-IIIT Dharwad In association with Electronics & ICT Academy, NIT Warangal (Sponsored by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), GoI)


65) It’s great pleasure  to deliver a session on “Walk through the Machine Learning projects with R” at  “Practical Machine Learning” organized by  Research center IMARAT , DRDO, Ministry of Defence , Government of INDIA under Continuous Education Program (CEP)


64)Delivered A session on “IIoT  Concept & Applications ”  at  One week Faculty Development program organized by Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering  J .B. INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY


63)It’s a great honour and privilege to deliver  webinar on    The Role of Data Science in the present Era” at  A Two day work shop on “Data Science : From Theory to Practice  Organized by Department of Advanced Computer Science &Engineering School of Computing and Informatics Vignan’s deemed to be University.


62)It’s a great honour and privilege to deliver a session on “Maths for Machine Learning” at VNRVJIT CONVERGENCE 


61) It’s  great opportunity  to meet and discuss about the  upcoming product ideas & Evaluation , in the  Product Bootcamp organized by CIE at IIITH


60) It’s a great honour and privilege to deliver a session on “Maths for Machine Learning” at  Orientation session organized by Department of Mathematics, JNTU Hyderabad


59)It’s a great honour and privilege to deliver a session on “Demonstration of Case Study – Health Care & it’s Applications” at One Day Seminar on “IOT ANALYTICS” Organized by The Institution of Engineers(India) Telangana State Centre (ISO 9001: 2015 Certified) Under the Aegis of ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERING DIVISION OF IEI, HQs


58) Medeva making a mark, yet again….
Dr. Venugopala Rao Manneni, Chief Data Scientist, Medeva.io delivered a key note session on “AI Applications in Healthcare and CaseAnalysis” at the 16th International Conference MakongRiver 16thIDCMR- Reinventing #Dentistry for the #ArtificialIntelligence era, organized by Coorg Institute of Dental Science #CIDS in collaboration with the #MahidolUniversity faculty of Dentistry


57) It’s a great honour and privilege to deliver  webinar on    National Level 1-week Faculty Development Program On “Latest Trends in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Internet-of-Things”-(22ndAugust 2022–27thAugust 2022)  Organized by Department of Information Technology Maturi Venkata Subba Rao (MVSR) Engineering College


56)It’s a great honour and privilege to deliver session on “Healthcare AnalyticsApplications, Opportunities, and Challenges”  at ONLINE FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (FDP) on Data Analytics: Methods and Applications in Healthcare (22-31 Aug, 2022) Department of Data Science and Intelligent Systems-IIIT Dharwad In association with Electronics & ICT Academy, NIT Warangal (Sponsored by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), GoI)


55)It’s a great honour and privilege to deliver session on “Healthcare Analytics-Applications, Opportunities, and Challenges” at “Seven Days Accelerate Vigyan(SERB-AV) Work shop on ” Understanding Statistical Modeling and It’s Applications in Healthcare ” Using R/Python/SPSS/STATS Organised by Indian Institute of Information Technology Tiruchirappalli(IIIT Trichy)


54)Conducted  An workshop on ” The effective visualization with Tableau”  organised by Department of Humanities and Sciences  VNRVJIT



53) Delivered A session on “Walk through on Machine Learning with real time use cases”  at  VNRVJIT  organized by department of computer science in Association with Computer Society of India.


52)Delivered A session on Role of Data literacy in Machine Learning Organised by  organized by  Maturi Venkata  Subbarao (MVSR) Engineering  College 


51) Delivered A session on “The Concept of ML and its applications” At Sai Sporty   Engineering College

#################################################################################################50) It’s 50th Academic Affiliation … Delivered a webinar on ” The Fundamentals of Statistics in Data Science”  organized by  Maturi Venkata  Subbarao (MVSR) Engineering  College  Information Technology Students Association (ITSA)


49) It’s a great honour and privilege to deliver  webinar on  “Data Science Trends & Applications  ”  at 5 day National Faculty Development  program  On DATA Analytics  ” organized by ST MARYS  College


48)It’s a great honour and privilege to deliver  webinar on  “The Role of Data Literacy  in Machine Learning ”  at One Week Faculty Development Programme (Online mode) on Machine Learning (ML) and its Applications ” organized by Department of  Electronics and Communication Engineering, CVR COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING.


47) Delivered  series of Webinars  ON  “ Data Science Trends & Applications ,Understanding data using Descrptive & Inferential  STATISTICS & Walk Through the Machine Learning with real time applications   ”  at  A Multi-Disciplinary Faculty Development Program  On  Business Analytics  organized by St. Pious X Degree &PG College for Women.


46) It’s a great honour and privilege to deliver  Key note session at  “AICTE  Sponsored  National  Conference  On  Engineering  Applications of Artificial Intelligence (NCEAAI2020” organized by Department of  Computer Science  and Engineering, ACE Engineering College.



45)It’s a great honour and privilege to deliver session on “Healthcare Analytics-Applications, Opportunities, and Challenges at “ONLINE FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (FDP) on Data Analytics and its Application in Healthcare (18th -27th Feb, 2022) organized by Department of Data Science and Intelligent Systems-IIIT Dharwad In association with Electronics & ICT Academy, NIT Warangal (Sponsored by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), GoI)


44)It’s a great honour and privilege to deliver session  on “Predictive Analytics”  at  “A 3-DAY HANDS-ON FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME ON MACHINE LEARNING
IN ENGINEERING ”  organized by  The Centre of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Osmania University (UnderRUSA 2.0) in Technical collaboration with ACM Hyderabad Deccan Chapter.


43)Delivered   Webinar  ON  “The Role of statistics in Machine Learning   ”  at one week  Faculty Development programme  on  “Short Term Training Programme(STTP)  ”  Sponsored by AICTE&JNTHU  and organized by  “Geethanjali college of Engineering and Technology”


42)Team Medeva conducted a three-day workshop on ‘Descriptive Statistics and Model Building from Scratch’ organized Department of CSE (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning), ACE Engineering College.


41) It’s a great honour and privilege to deliver on “Ideation to Commercialization” organized by “ “JB Institute of Inventors Association India (JBIIAI)”  on topic  “Product in Industry 4.0  “

and you check the program in the below link


any my session start from 2:045 mins onwards


40)It’s a great honour and privilege to deliver The Mr.K.M. Kushalappa Oration at QUEST 5.0 organized by “ “The Coorg Institute of Dental Science  on topic  AI in Healthcare – Artificial Intelligence   and Digital health implication for education and clinical practice”



39)Had a great session today on “Healthcare informatics—Opportunities, Issues and Challenges” at the  One week AICTE Sponsored short term training Program (STTP) on “ Healthcare Industry using Blockchain Technology” Organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering ACE  Engineering College





38)Delivered   Webinar  ON  “Why AI is Social Good Technology  ”  at one week  Faculty Development programme  on  “Research Trends in AI &ML  ” SREYAS  Institute  of Engineering & technology 


37)Delivered   Webinar  ON  “Data Science Trends & Application  ”  for  BHAVAN’S VIVEKANANDA COLLEGEof Science, Humanities & Commerce  students 

[“] [


36)It’s really a great honour to be part of  One Week International FDP on Mathematics and Statistics organized by R.B.V.R.R. WOMEN’S COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS) (Re-Accredited ” B++ ” by NAAC) on the occasion Centenary Birthday Celebrations ofProf C.R. Rao ( Living Legend) and delivered a  session on Trends in Data Science 


35)It’s really great opportunity to  be part of this  Five day Faculty  development program on “Foundations  For Machine Learning” Organized by Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering , Sreenidhi   Institute of  Science and Technology 



34)After few months break,It was a pleasure and privilege to conduct a session on “Multivariate Analysis at AICTE SPONSORED ONE-WEEK SHORT TERM TRAINING PROGRAMME On

“DATA SCIENCE” Organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering  Siddhartha Institute of Engineering &Technology, Vinobha Nagar, Ibrahimpatnam,R.R Dist.


33)Delivered   Webinar  ON  “Descriptive Statistics & Data taxonomy ” &  Regressions in Machine Learning   at one week  Faculty Development programme  on  “Statistics  for AI &ML” Organized by G Pullaiah College of Engineering & Technology  and Ravindra  College of Engineering for Woman



32)It has been a great pleasure and an Opportunity  to be part of a  FIVE-DAY NATIONAL LEVEL ONLINE FDP  ON “ESSENTIAL MATHEMATICS FOR MACHINE LEARNING” Organized by  VNRVJIT . In this Event I delivered  Webinar on  “Machine Learning Applications and  Mathematics behind  it and I also got an opportunity to refresh all required mathematical skills by attending  all the sessions 




31)It’s always a pleasure and privilege to deliver webinar on ” The Role of Statistics in Machine learning”  at  National webinar  “Applications of  Statistics in Data science ” Organized by  GITAM  University, Hyderabad



30)Delivered   Webinar  ON  “Emerging Trends in Current Industry “  at  AURORAS DEGREE & PG COLLEGE  organized by Department of Statistics


29)Delivered   Webinar  ON  “Role of Machine Learning in Data science “  at Five  day Faculty Development programme  on  “Recent Trends  In Computer Science ” Organized by the  Department of CSE  and   MCA,  SITAMS.

and Here it is the youtube link Youtube link


28)Team JSM and Medeva.io  conducted  “A  3  Days workshop in THE FUTURE TECHNOLOGY STACK- AI,ML &NLP  for Sai Spurthi  Institute  Of technology (B.Gangaram) Organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering.

and Here it is the youtube link

Day1 session



27)Delivered   Webinar  ON  “Artificial  Intelligence  & Machine Learning  at   Two day  National webinar  organized by “ Department of Master of Computer Applications ” Loyola Academy. 


26)Delivered   Webinar  ON  “Data Analysis  and it’s trends  and How to understand the data using descriptive analysis “  at the  IEEE MVSR  computer  society  student chapter webinar series  On Data Analytics.



25)Delivered a guest Lecture on The Role of statistics in  Data science’ for MSC  students at

School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Hyderabad


24)It has been a great pleasure and an honour to be part of a Two day National Level Technical Symposium “SYMPO AAGNYA-2020” organized by The Department of ECE, St. Martin’s Engineering College as a Chief Guest and got the opportunity to share the some of thoughts to elevate the skills for better career in the field of AI, ML and DL


23)It has been a great pleasure and an honour to be part of this National level technical symposium SPURTHI -2020, Organized by SAI SPURTHI INSTITUTE OF TECHONOLOGY. It was wonderful to speak about and interact with the faculty and the students there on the latest trends in data science and applications



22)It’s always a pleasure and privilege to work with and spent time with my beloved guide and mentor Dr.M.Krishna Reddy Sir. I consider It an honour to jointly conduct the three day Faculty development program on “ Statistics in data Science” Organized by Department of Humanities and Sciences – CVR college of Engineering. Also thanking Ramu for his contribution to the workshop.


21)Dr Venugopala Rao Manneni trained the faculty at ACE Engineering College on “Deep Learning & Working with the Text using  NLP techniques using python” at a Faculty Development Program (FDP) .Also conducted a session on The Art of Effective Visualization in data Exploration with the help of T Naveen Kumar.


20)It was a pleasure and privilege to conduct a session on “Regressions in Data science” at a Faculty development programme (FDP) on AICTE Sponsored Two-Week Faculty Development programme organised by ST.MARTINS ENGINEERING COLLEGE


19)Attended the “Induction program for the students of M.Sc – Data Science” as a Special invitee  @RBVRR Women’s College. My best wishes and congratulations to RBVRR college as it becomes the first college in Hyderabad to start a MSc data science course. Happy and privileged to be associated with this course right from the conceptualization stage to the final roll out



18)Just concluded a wonderful 3 day workshop on ‘Creating path to become a data scientist’. @ RBVRR women’s college, Hyderabad. The basic objective was to give the students an appreciation on the current trends, diverse applications & career opportunities. We covered topics (lectures & hands-0n lab sessions) ranging from statistics, research, modeling to visualisation. #AeonKnowledge #JSM #DataScienceCourses #DataAnalysis #MachineLearning#Unocareer


17)It was a pleasure and privilege to conduct a session on “Mathematical/ Statistical application in data Science” at a Faculty development programme (FDP) in MIRACLE-July01-06, 2019 (Mathematics In Real, Applied, Computational Learning Environments) organised by MVSR Engineering college (Sponsored by Matrusri Education Society) Hyderabad.


16)A glimpse of the certificate award ceremony for the second batch of students who successfully finished the course on “Data Analysis and Machine Learning with R”, conducted for Centre for Quantitative Methods (CQM) at Osmania University. Also present were Prof C Jayalakshmi, Director – CQM , and members of JSM team – DrVenugopala Rao Manneni, varaganti manjula



15)It was a pleasure and privilege to conduct a session on “Analytics for Big Data – Case studies from Industry” at a Faculty development programme (FDP) on Big data computing organised by National Institute of Technology (NIT), Andhra Pradesh (Sponsored by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), GOI).



14)Delivered a guest Lecture on Mathematics for Machine Learning for MSC Mathematics students at RBVRR Womens college (Raja Bahadur Venkata Rama Reddy) organized by Department of Mathematics.


13)As an Industry resource person, It was my privilege to train Statistics masters students on ‘Multivariate Data Analysis techniques using SPSS’ at a workshop conducted by Department of Statistics, Osmania University.



12)Delivered a guest Lecture on ‘Introduction to Statistical Software : Excel, SPSS, R etc.’ at a two day seminar on ‘Research Methodologies’ organized by Department of Nutrition, St Ann’s college for Women.



11)Team Aeon Knowledge conducted a two day inter-collegiate workshop in February 2019 on ‘Appreciation & Applications of Data Science’ organized Department of Statistics, St.Ann’s college for Women.



 10) Certificate Course On Machine Learning using R collaboration with Center for Quantitative Methods – Osmania University





Encouraging feedback and media coverage on our first certificate course – “Data Science and Machine Learning using R” – for Centre for Quantitative Methods (CQM) at Osmania University. Gearing up for a list of improved courses under our Data Science Learning initiative – ZillionDots. Stay tuned for more updates. 



  9)Visiting Faculty for Department of statistics , Osmania University to teach Data Mining and Machine Learning application as a industry elective


Being a teacher is among the highest privileges. Thanks to the Department of Statistics, Osmania University, to give us an opportunity to teach the Industrial elective. From JSMDrVenugopala Rao Manneni and Sandhya T, are now teaching the M.Sc. students.

8)Trained Faculty on Data Analysis
  Using Python  


DrVenugopala Rao Manneni trained the faculty at Osmania University on “DataAnalysis using Python at a Faculty Development Program (FDP)  


7)Interaction with St.Anns college for women
  on the occasion of Statistics Day


On the 125th birth anniversary of StatsGenius P.C. Mahalanobis on June 29, DrVenugopala Rao Manneni interacted with students at St. Ann’s College of Women, Hyderabad about “Data Science (Trends and Applications): process of becoming a DataScientist


6)Talk on Demand for Data Science – Hype or real ..

DrVenugopala Rao Manneni delivered a talk on “Demand for DataScience– hype or real” during the two-day workshop on BigData Analysis and DataMining at Dept. of Statistics, Osmania University.


5)Talk on Mathematics in Machine Learning


DrVenugopala Rao Manneni rendered a talk on “ Need of Mathematics in Machine Learning applications ” at Nalla Malla Reddy Engg.College during a five-day workshop on “Applications of Mathematics”. 



4)Certificate Ceremony for the First batch

A glimpse of the certificate award ceremony for the first batch of students who successfully finished the course on “DataAnalysis and MachineLearning with R”, conducted for Centre for Quantitative Methods (CQM) at Osmania University. Also present were Prof C Jayalakshmi, Director – CQM , and members of JSM team – DrVenugopala Rao Manneni, Sandhya Tanneer, Vinta, Naveen Kumar, and Bala Kartheek

Interns at JSM on their Learning Experience



3)Trained Students on Understanding Data Science and Analytics for better career prospects


Glimpses of the two-day training on “Understanding Data Science and Analytics for better career prospects” which JSM conducted for the final year students of Department of Statistics, Osmania University.


2)Keynote Speech on
‘Emerging trends in Data Science

Delivered a keynote speech on ‘Emerging trends in Data Science (its past, present, and future)’ at Bankatlal Badruka College for Information Technology (BBCIT) durning the two-day National Conference on Big Data, Internet of Things, and Data Science


1) At Aurora – 2 days workshop on Challenges & Opportunities in DATA SCIENCES…

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