My Latest interview with Bharatupskill
Here is my talk on “AI Challenges in Digital Health’  delivered  at  “Digital & Operational Tactics for Enabling Healthcare Reinvention ” mini-conference  organized by



My Podcast on  Data science & Machine Learning

Learn Data Convergence Micro Podcast: Digital Transformation, Industry 4.0, IIoT & Emerging Tech



It was really a pleasure and opportunity to be part of  India’s  first  virtual student  AI conference as a  speaker and panel member-organized by  Orbit Sifters

and  here it is the recorded links

Speaker Session: Walk Thorough With ML

How to do Academic Project using AI


DrVenugopala Rao Manneni, participated as a Technical Panelist in a discussion on AI  on  ” IS AI GOING TO KILL JOBS OR   CREATE JOBS”  at  India’s  first virtual  conference  AI FEST-2020





Trained Maruti Suzuki on Data Analytics

In association with AIMA (All India Management Association), we conducted a three-day workshop on DataAnalytics for the employees of Maruti Suzuki – Way of Life, from April 23 to 25 in Gurgaon. We feel privileged and thrilled with how the workshop turned out.

################################################################################Trained GE

GE Employees has recently Completed their Training with us. It was 60 hours practitioner oriented course on Data Analysis where we trained them by showcasing real time use cases

As a Technical Panelist in a Discussion on AI and Data Science


DrVenugopala Rao Manneni, participated as a Technical Panelist in a discussion on AI and MachineLearning, organised by ITeLearn. Do watch and share.



My Article on Need/ Reasons for Data Science Evaluation


Conducting Analytics Vidhya Experts Meet up

Juxt-Smart Mandate was the venue partner for the “AV Experts Meet up” hosted by Analytics Vidhya, a community for Analytics/Data Science Professionals, held on July 22, 2017. Around 20 professionals participated and worked on developing a solution for the ‘water pump status prediction problem’ for the Government of Tanzania.


Talk on Why data science is all the sudden a HYPE

A brief talk on what is data science, why all of the sudden it has got so much attention and what is the process and skill set required for it on the occasion of the workshop conducted by Analytics Vidhya


Conducting Marketing & Social Media Analytics Workshop

Conducted a one day workshop on Marketing & Social media Analytics behalf of Analytics vidhya and solved hands on exercise problem (Predicting the outcome of an e-mail (No action, Email opened but no action, Email opened and clicked on product/link)

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