Objective: As the world is witnessing an unprecedented outbreak of mass proportions, and all of us are doing our bit by ensuring ‘social distancing’, essentially locking ourselves inside our own homes, totally avoiding social interactions. We wanted to understand what are the different attitudes/actions which are causing increased anxiety levels in this pandemic.

Data source:   we have considered India data from the Kalos 2020 a survey done at an international level across 15 nations around 7,000 respondents by Toluna & Kaleidosense.

Approach:  As in the Kalos 2020 respondents were asked to rate 4 point scale on various attitudes to life change due to covid , such as Quality time, Learning new things, Retail Experience,  WFH  , outdoor activities..etc. and also captured  the individuals anxiety levels .   In order to find what is driving increased anxiety levels we categorized the increasing anxiety levels into positive and negative and find the drivers what is causing positive in increased anxiety levels. This analysis we have done at   overall level as well as among males and females to check is there any differences emerge.

As being Increased Anxiety levels is being dichotomous (positive/negative) variable, we have applied a popular well known classification technique call logistic regression  and regressed this  increased anxiety levels  on various Quality, Learning new things  , Retail  Experience, WFH, Outdoor activities  related attributes and selected the  statistically significant attributes which are driving the increased anxiety levels with the accuracy of  90%.


B S.E. Wald Sig. Exp(B)
Quality family time is overrated .449 .129 12.074 .001 1.566
Retail experience will never be the same again .389 .140 7.714 .005 1.475
Enjoy flexi routine .305 .131 5.402 .020 1.356
Coughing/ sneezing in public – scary .304 .134 5.108 .024 1.355
More time outdoors .306 .151 4.083 .043 1.358
Constant -4.279 .732 34.135 .000 .014

Then we have normalized the each attitude importance from the above table and then calculated relative importance through which we can order these attributes as per their order importance on causing increased levels of anxiety.  And the below is the same for at an overall level as well as among males and females.


Impact:  From the above. At an overall level we can see that somehow Quality family time is over rated than actual causing more anxiety followed by not able to enjoy the earlier retail experience and not able to enjoy the routine life ,due to not able spend more time outdoor and scary of Coughing/Sneezing in public and also noticed there is clear difference for increasing anxiety among males and females


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What is causing Increasing Anxiety Levels in this Pandemic time?

Venugopal Manneni

A doctor in statistics from Osmania University. I have been working in the fields of Analytics and research for the last 15 years. My expertise is to architecting the solutions for the data driven problems using statistical methods, Machine Learning and deep learning algorithms for both structured and unstructured data. In these fields I’ve also published papers. I love to play cricket and badminton.

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