As data science is everywhere due to the evolution of tools, computation power, speed, connectivity, storage systems and algorithms there is no way of getting out of working with it. Due to the pandemic the digitalization accelerated furthermore and changed complete eco system of all the domains. Therefore whatever domain you work for you need provide data driven solutions which serves the customer at his personal level with some kind of smartness around it

With this reality already people started working towards it and preparing themselves ready but on the process they need a mentor who can direct them in proper direction with the  below reasons.



  • As mentioned above we are in the era of the data explosion , we have plethora of content freely available on data science process, procedures & deployment –etc ,and most of the times people are also getting confused with this content , we really need a mentor who  can give  connect the content with some kind of context through his real time experience and knowledge


  • As there is saying that instead of reading some bad books, one good book gives more knowledge in the same lines Good mentor can easily access your capabilities based on that they suggests the related content/areas which you can easily explore


  • When you are working domain specific projects they always put their real time experience and specific domain experience in your products and makes your more familiar with the domain that will help you to increase your data literacy skills as well as critical thinking.


  • With his Experience and exposure he will always ensures that you are not deviating from the specific problem  and makes you focus on  output  of the problem you are working for


  • If your mentor is a practitioner, they can offer a internship project which can give you some real time exposure as well as culture , if not they can find the same in their connections or network


Therefore here  finally, what I am suggesting, whatever way you are learning data science alongside please try to find a mentor with the above qualities by that you will get some kind of direction, prospective as well as discipline in your learning through which you can easily  succeed your target.

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Why we need a mentor in Data science

Venugopal Manneni

A doctor in statistics from Osmania University. I have been working in the fields of Analytics and research for the last 15 years. My expertise is to architecting the solutions for the data driven problems using statistical methods, Machine Learning and deep learning algorithms for both structured and unstructured data. In these fields I’ve also published papers. I love to play cricket and badminton.

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