A few years back myself and my beloved good friend Abhishek Kapoor (https://www.linkedin.com/in/abhishekkaps/), (when he was working with us at Juxt Smartmandate) created some of the Do It Yourself (DIY) tools for the researches using R and shiny ,which can very handy for researchers/Analysts to quickly process the data and see the results

These DIY tools very useful for the people from non-technical background, in which they just need to upload the data and get the results

Here are the links

For Classification click the below


For Correspondence/Perceptual maps  click the below

Correspondence Analysis

For  Unsupervised – Factor  Analysis click the below

Factor Analysis

whenever  if you need  to do some of the basic insights which required to use the above techniques , these DIY  tools will give the basic output with  single click after uploading data. So feel free to use


And also I found one of the best data exploration tool from the web which can help you to process and understand the data quickly and the below is the link for the same

Data Exploration





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DIY (Do IT Yourself) -– Analytics

Venugopal Manneni

A doctor in statistics from Osmania University. I have been working in the fields of Analytics and research for the last 15 years. My expertise is to architecting the solutions for the data driven problems using statistical methods, Machine Learning and deep learning algorithms for both structured and unstructured data. In these fields I’ve also published papers. I love to play cricket and badminton.

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